Junior VocalMINTS

Children’s Singing Course (for ages 4.5-6)

Suitable for: ages 4.5-6

Term: Spring 2024 – January to June (20 weeks)

Instructor: Jillbert

Course Format: Group - Unaccompanied (60 minutes)


In the Junior VocalMINTS course, students will be taught the fundamentals of proper breathing, vocal placement, and other techniques for healthy and successful singing. Moreover, students will learn expressive singing, how to internalise a character in a song, and incorporate basic acting and theater techniques. The repertoire featured will mainly consist of popular Musical Theatre and Disney tunes. This course is designed to train children in performing on stage, focusing on singing and musical theatre. It provides an excellent opportunity for children to learn singing and explore their potential in the musical theatre genre.


Mini VocalMINTS
