The Honourable Ma Fung-Kwok, SBS, JP
馬逢國先生, SBS, JP

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Mr. Ma Fung-Kwok is a legislative member-elect of Hong Kong’s Sports, Performing Arts, Culture and Publication constituency. He also serves as a Board Member of the West Kowloon Cultural District Authority, Vice-Chairman of the Hong Kong Institute for Promotion of Chinese Culture, a member of the Management Committee of Jao Tsung-I Academy, and as the HKSAR Deputy to the 11th National People’s Congress of the People’s Republic of China. 

Awarded the Silver Bauhinia Star by the Government of the HKSAR in 2004, Mr. Ma plays an active role in developing cultural and creative industries in Hong Kong. He has previously served as Chairman of the Hong Kong Arts Development Council, Vice-President of the Hong Kong Televisioners Association, Deputy Chairman of the Council of Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts, and Vice-Chairman and founding member of the Hong Kong Motion Picture Industry Association Limited. His illustrious career also includes serving as a member of the Project Vetting Committee of the government’s Film Development Fund and the Culture and Heritage Commission of the Home Affairs Bureau.


馬先生一直熱衷參與香港文化藝術的事務,在電影界和文化界擁有豐富經驗,乃資深電影製作及發行人,是寰亞綜藝集團的創辦人之一,也曾參與製作多齣膾炙人口的電影,包括:《秋菊打官司》、《籠民》、《我和春天有個約會》、《野獸刑警》等。亦曾擔任發行、推廣及管理等職務。2004 年,獲香港特區政府頒授銀紫荊星章,以表揚他在公共和社會服務方面的出色表現。


Ada Wong 黃英琦